=====Fereshta Yazdani=====
| {{:wiki:fyazdani.jpg?0x180}} ||||
|::: ||PhD student\\ \\ ||
|:::|Mail: |yazdani@cs.uni-bremen.de|
|:::| ||
==== About ====
==== Research Interests ====
* Human-Robot Interaction
* Artificial Intelligence
* Cognition-enabled Reasoning
* Knowledge-enabled Reasoning
* Knowledge Representation and Processing
==== Projects involved in ====
* [[https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/106964_en.html|Sherpa]]
==== Teaching ====
* AI: Knowledge Acquisition and Representation (WS2012/13) (Tutorial)
* Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (SS2013) (Tutorial)
* Praktische Informatik 2: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (SS2014) (Tutorial)
* AI: Knowledge Acquisition and Representation ([[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/le-ki2-ws14|WS2014/15]]) (Tutorial)
==== Supervised Theses ====
* Capability-based Reasoning and Task Execution for Human-Robot Teams (Diploma Thesis, Benjamin Brieber)
* Translating Human-Robot activity descriptions into a cloud-based Knowledge Service for Reasoning on Semantic Memories(Bachelor Thesis, Bogdan Togorean)
* Robot Control For Underwater Robotic Systems(Master's Thesis, Venkatachalam Srinivasan)
* Automated seafloor classification and seagrass coverage assessment based on AUV simulation(Master's Thesis, Olaf M. Winkler)
====== Publications ======