=====Georg Bartels======
| {{:wiki:bartelsg.jpg?0x180}} ||||
|:::| |Universität Bremen|
|:::| |AG KI / TZI|
|:::| |Am Fallturm 1, TAB|
|:::| |28359 Bremen|
|:::| |Tel: --49 -421 218 64013|
|:::| |Fax: --49 -421 218 64047|
|:::| |Office: TAB, 1.53|
|:::| |Mail: georg.bartels@cs.uni-bremen.de|
|:::| ||
=== About me ===
I joined the [[http://ai.uni-bremen.de/|Institute for Artificial Intelligence]] at the University of Bremen in September 2012 to pursue my PhD under the supervision of [[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/team/michael_beetz|Michael Beetz]]. From February 2012 until then, I was a PhD student at Prof Beetz' [[http://ias.cs.tum.edu|Intelligent Autonomous Systems]] Group at [[http://www.tum.de|TU Munich]] (TUM). In my research, I focus on combining knowledge representation and processing with robot motion control to build robot control programs that can reason about their motions.
I spent July-September 2013 as a summer intern with the [[https://personalrobotics.ri.cmu.edu/|Personal Robotics Lab]] at the [[http://www.cmu.edu/|Carnegie Mellon University]]. In Oktober and December 2012 I was a visiting scholar at the [[http://www.mech.kuleuven.be/en/pma/|PMA division]] of [[http://www.kuleuven.be/english|KU Leuven]].
Before starting my PhD, I studied Computer Engineering at [[http://www.tu-berlin.de|TU Berlin]] (TUB), focussing on robotics and control engineering. I wrote my diploma thesis in TUB's [[http://www.robotics.tu-berlin.de|Robotics and Biology]] Lab. From 2007 until 2009 I was a dual degree student studying Computer Engineering at the [[http://en.sjtu.edu.cn|Shanghai Jiao Tong University]].
You can find me on [[https://scholar.google.de/citations?user=VYEcxJIAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao|Google Scholar]] and on [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/georgbartels|LinkedIn]].
=== Teaching ===
* Summer term 2018: [[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/pr-suturo-ws17|SUTURO]] (2-semester bachelor project)
* Winter term 2018: [[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/pr-suturo-ws17|SUTURO]] (2-semester bachelor project)
* Summer term 2017: [[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/suturo-crashcourse_ss17|KI-basierte Robotersteuerung]] (lab course)
* Summer term 2017: [[http://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/pr-suturo-ws16|SUTURO]] (2-semester master project)
* Winter term 2016: [[http://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/pr-suturo-ws16|SUTURO]] (2-semester master project)
* Summer term 2016: [[http://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/suturo|SUTURO]] (2-semester bachelor project)
* Winter term 2015: [[http://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/suturo|SUTURO]] (2-semester bachelor project)
* Summer term 2015: [[http://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/suturo|SUTURO]] (2-semester master project)
* Summer term 2015: [[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/wiki/teaching/reading-group|Robotics Reading Group]] (Seminar)
* Summer term 2015: [[http://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/se-kiba-ss15|AI-based robot control]] (Seminar)
* Winter term 2014: [[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/wiki/teaching/reading-group|Robotics Reading Group]] (Seminar)
* Winter term 2014: [[http://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/suturo|SUTURO]] (2-semester master project)
* Summer term 2014: [[http://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/kirobss2014|Advanced Methods of AI in Robotics]] (Seminar)
* Summer term 2014: [[http://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/suturo|SUTURO]] (2-semester bachelor project)
* Winter term 2013: [[http://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/suturo|SUTURO]] (2-semester bachelor project)
* Summer term 2013: [[http://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/kibass2013|AI-based robot control]] (Seminar)
* Summer term 2012 (@TUM): [[http://www14.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/lehre/2012SS/gad/index.html.de|Fundamentals of Algorithms and Data Structures]] (Tutorial)
* Summer term 2012 (@TUM): [[http://ias.cs.tum.edu/teaching/ss2012/techcogsys|Technical Cognitive Systems]] (Assistance with lecture)
=== Research Interests ===
* robot motion control
* knowledge representations of robot motion control algorithms
* runtime parametrization of robot control programs using knowledge processing
=== Student Supervision ===
* Kevin Störmer: Bachelor thesis (summer term 2018)
* Jan-Paul Bultmann: Bachelor thesis (summer term 2018)
* Jannik Buckelo: Master thesis (summer team 2018)
* Mahesh Kumar: Master thesis (winter team 2017)
* Azucena Mendoza Romero: Student project (summer term 2017)
* Minerva Vargas: Master thesis (summer team 2017)
* Karthikeyan Jaganathan: Student project (summer term 2017)
* Simon Stelter: Master thesis (winter term 2016)
* Adrian Röfer: Bachelor thesis (winter term 2016)
* Cristian Iacob: ERAMUS intership (summer 2016)
* Alexander Hoereth: Google Summer of Code (summer 2015)
* Jannik Buchelo: Bachelor thesis (summer term 2015)
* Simon Stelter: Bachelor thesis (summer term 2015)
==== Publications ====