~~NOTOC~~ =====Patrick Mania===== | {{:wiki:pmania.jpg?0x180}} |||| |::: ||Research Staff & System administration \\ \\ || |:::|Tel: |--49 -421 218 64004| |:::|Fax: |--49 -421 218 64047| |:::|Room: |TAB 2.84| |:::|Mail: |pmania@cs.uni-bremen.de| |:::| || ====== Teaching ====== * Co-supervisor for master project Suturo ([[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/pr-suturo-ws20|WS20/21, SS21, WS22/23, WS24/25]]) * Co-supervisor for bachelor project Suturo ([[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/pr-suturo-ws19|WS19/20, SS20, WS21/22, WS23/24]]) * Co-lecturer and co-tutor for Game Engines in AI ([[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/pr-unreal-ws19|WS 19/20]], [[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/pr-unreal-ws18|WS 18/19]]) * Co-supervisor for master project Unreal Robots ([[http://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/pr-unreal-ws17|SS18]]) * Co-lecturer and Co-tutor for Integrated Intelligent Systems (WS20/21, WS21/22, WS22/23, WS23/24) * Co-tutor for bachelor project Virtual Cooking (WS19/20, SS20) * Co-tutor for master project Virtual Cooking (WS20/21) * Supervisor of bachelor thesis 'Automatische Aufnahme von RGB- und RGBD-Bildern mithilfe eines Roboterarms zur Modellakquise' (WS20/21) * Supervisor of master thesis 'Vision-based Belief State Verification for Imagination-Enabled Robotic Agents' (WS20/21) * Supervisor of master thesis 'Game-engine-basierte fotorealistische Belief State Validierung in der Roboterwahrnehmung' (SoSe21) * Co-Supervisor of bachelor thesis 'Flüssigkeitsdetektion für Robotische Agenten im Kontext von Gießaufgaben' (SS22) * Supervisor of bachelor thesis 'Auxiliary Save-System for Robots in a Virtual Environment within Unreal Engine 4' (WiSe23) * Supervisor of bachelor thesis 'Query-Based Perception Pipeline Generation' (SoSe24) * Supervisor of bachelor thesis 'Robokudo Webexplorer: An interface for explainable robot perception processes' (SoSe24) ====== Publications ====== bibfiles/allpublications.bib Mania