Dauer | 2 SWS (4 ECTS) |
Art | Kurs |
Semester | WS 2015/16 |
Vortragende | Gayane Kazhoyan, Prof. Michael Beetz |
Sprache | Englisch / Deutsch |
Termine | Dienstags, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Veranstaltungsort | TAB-Gebäude (Am Fallturm 1), Eingang E, Raum: 1.63 (1. OG) |
Bemerkungen | Veranstaltungsbeginn: 13.10.2015 |
This course gives a solid practical introduction to the Lisp programming language up to advanced topics. The first half of the course covers the basics of functional programming, Artificial Intelligence techniques and modern robot programming. The second half involves programming on an autonomous robot platform similar to TurtleBot. The assignment is to be worked on independently in small groups. The task is similar for all the groups and the results of the project are assessed in a final competition.
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