Virtual User Models - Approach and first results of the VICON project. (bibtex)
by Lawo, Michael, Kirisci, Pierre, Modzelewski, Markus, O'Connor, Joshue, Fennell, Antoinette, Fiddian, Thomas, Gökmen, Haluk, Klann, Markus, Geissler, Mirko, Matiouk, Svetlana and Mohamad, Yehya
Lawo, Michael, Kirisci, Pierre, Modzelewski, Markus, O'Connor, Joshue, Fennell, Antoinette, Fiddian, Thomas, Gökmen, Haluk, Klann, Markus, Geissler, Mirko, Matiouk, Svetlana and Mohamad, Yehya, "Virtual User Models - Approach and first results of the VICON project.", In eChallenges e-2011 Conference Proceedings, IIMC International Information Management Corporation Ltd, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
  title={Virtual User Models - Approach and first results of the VICON project.},
  author={Lawo, Michael and Kirisci, Pierre and Modzelewski, Markus and O'Connor, Joshue and Fennell, Antoinette and Fiddian, Thomas and G{\"o}kmen, Haluk and Klann, Markus and Geissler, Mirko and Matiouk, Svetlana and Mohamad, Yehya},
  journal={eChallenges e-2011 Conference Proceedings},
  editor={Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham (Eds)},
  publisher={IIMC International Information Management Corporation Ltd}
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