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3D Printers @ IAI

We currently (as of 2018) have two Ultimaker printers(2 and 2 extended) and a Prusa i3 MK3.

For slicing, we use the Cura Software (free download), as recommended by the manufacturer. Another commercial slicing software that looks interesting is Simplify3D. (150EUR/license) For the Prusa i3 MK3, it's recommended to use Slic3r. The right version of Slic3r can be downloaded from the Prusa Website. It comes with all necessary settings so you don’t have to set up anything.

If you want to print an object, please contact Alexis or Patrick.

Ultimaker 2

Single extruder Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). Print Volume: 223 x 223 x 205 mm

Installed updates:

Ultimaker 2 Extended

Single extruder Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) printer. Print Volume: 223 x 223 x 305 mm

Installed updates:

Prusa i3 MK3

Single extruder Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) printer. Print Volume: 11.025 cm3 (250mm x 210mm x 210mm) The printer has received only received one upgrade so far, which is a filament guide: This helps with springy filament jumping off the spool while printing.

Info on components

MK8 drive gear

After calibrating the steps per mm for the E(xtruder) axis, the following value was found: 316.23. The original value with the knurled drive gear was 282.00.

Triffid Hunter's guide was followed for calibration, specifically the section called “E Steps Fine Tuning”. Basically tuning extrusion slowly until the internal layers printed with 95% linear fill have small gaps, while the top layers are perfectly closed.

Firmware for the Ultimakers

Both printers have the TinkerGnome Marlin firmware, from the geek branch, specifically version Tinker V17.10.1 from the release page.

This firmware has many more adjustments and allows for on-the-fly changes to parameters during a print.

Adjustment of feeder spring

Adjust the feeder spring hard enough, but not too hard. The idea is that the filament can be pushed strongly, but that the motor skips back just before stripping the filament. That way, if it is trying to push too much, it will lose some steps, but it will quickly recover the pressure. If that does not happen and the filament gets ground, then it stops extruding altogether, failing the print.

There is an interplay between spring force and current of the E-Axis. Increase current for more motor torque, but that forces to increase the feeder spring force to avoid stripping. At some point the spring force gets too high, and that again makes it more likely to strip the filament. The sweet spot is in the middle, and might even change with a different type of filament.

Typically the extruder motor should try to extrude as much plastic as is needed, so there should not be any skipping. This is not the case with the first layer, that gets over-extruded on purpose to 'push' the material hard onto the glass. So on the first layer some skipping is expected, depending on how close the bed was calibrated to the printing head.

The first layer is set to 0.3mm typically by cura, but depending on the bed calibration, that distance might only be 0.2mm or 0.1mm, so a lot of over extrusion is expected.

Settings for the materials

After each material has been tuned to print correctly, we record the settings that work in this section.

The material on top for each printer should be the one currently installed and ready to use.

Ultimaker 2

Ultimaker 2-Extended

colorFabb has a list of lengths of their spools here

Prusa i3 MK3

General tips/advice for materials

Material wishlist

Equipment wishlist