Lawo, Michael, Warden, Tobias, Uckelmann, Dieter and Werthmann, Dirk, "Verknüpfung virtueller und realer Logistikkomponenten: Ein Ansatz zur Verknüpfung von Forschungsumgebungen in der Logistik", In Industrie Management, vol. 28, 2012.
Conference Papers
Gath, M., Wagner, T. and Herzog, O., "Autonomous Logistic Processes of Bike Courier Services using Multiagent-Based Simulation", In The 11th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, pp. 134 – 142, 2012.
Warden, Tobias, Wojtusiak, Janusz and Herzog, Otthein, "Intelligent Modelling and Control for Autonomous Logistics", In Advances in Intelligent Modelling and Simulation: Artificial Intelligence-based Models and Techniques in Scalable Computing, Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, 2012.
Workshop Papers
Warden, Tobias, Wagner, Thomas, Langer, Hagen and Herzog, Otthein, "Towards Multiagent Interactive Adaption of Individual Models for Decision Support", In 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Interoperability (IWSI 2012), 2012.