Georg Bartels
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Universität Bremen | |||
AG KI / TZI | |||
Am Fallturm 1, TAB | |||
28359 Bremen | |||
Tel: –49 -421 218 64013 | |||
Fax: –49 -421 218 64047 | |||
Office: TAB, 1.53 | |||
Mail: georg[dot]bartels(at)cs[dot]uni-bremen[dot]de | |||
About me
I joined the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at the University of Bremen in September 2012 to pursue my PhD under the supervision of Michael Beetz. From February 2012 until then, I was a PhD student at Prof Beetz' Intelligent Autonomous Systems Group at TU Munich (TUM). In my research, I focus on combining knowledge representation and processing with robot motion control to build robot control programs that can reason about their motions.
I spent July-September 2013 as a summer intern with the Personal Robotics Lab at the Carnegie Mellon University. In Oktober and December 2012 I was a visiting scholar at the PMA division of KU Leuven.
Before starting my PhD, I studied Computer Engineering at TU Berlin (TUB), focussing on robotics and control engineering. I wrote my diploma thesis in TUB's Robotics and Biology Lab. From 2007 until 2009 I was a dual degree student studying Computer Engineering at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
You can find me on Google Scholar and on LinkedIn.
- Summer term 2018: SUTURO (2-semester bachelor project)
- Winter term 2018: SUTURO (2-semester bachelor project)
- Summer term 2017: KI-basierte Robotersteuerung (lab course)
- Summer term 2017: SUTURO (2-semester master project)
- Winter term 2016: SUTURO (2-semester master project)
- Summer term 2016: SUTURO (2-semester bachelor project)
- Winter term 2015: SUTURO (2-semester bachelor project)
- Summer term 2015: SUTURO (2-semester master project)
- Summer term 2015: Robotics Reading Group (Seminar)
- Summer term 2015: AI-based robot control (Seminar)
- Winter term 2014: Robotics Reading Group (Seminar)
- Winter term 2014: SUTURO (2-semester master project)
- Summer term 2014: Advanced Methods of AI in Robotics (Seminar)
- Summer term 2014: SUTURO (2-semester bachelor project)
- Winter term 2013: SUTURO (2-semester bachelor project)
- Summer term 2013: AI-based robot control (Seminar)
- Summer term 2012 (@TUM): Fundamentals of Algorithms and Data Structures (Tutorial)
- Summer term 2012 (@TUM): Technical Cognitive Systems (Assistance with lecture)
Research Interests
- robot motion control
- knowledge representations of robot motion control algorithms
- runtime parametrization of robot control programs using knowledge processing
Student Supervision
- Kevin Störmer: Bachelor thesis (summer term 2018)
- Jan-Paul Bultmann: Bachelor thesis (summer term 2018)
- Jannik Buckelo: Master thesis (summer team 2018)
- Mahesh Kumar: Master thesis (winter team 2017)
- Azucena Mendoza Romero: Student project (summer term 2017)
- Minerva Vargas: Master thesis (summer team 2017)
- Karthikeyan Jaganathan: Student project (summer term 2017)
- Simon Stelter: Master thesis (winter term 2016)
- Adrian Röfer: Bachelor thesis (winter term 2016)
- Cristian Iacob: ERAMUS intership (summer 2016)
- Alexander Hoereth: Google Summer of Code (summer 2015)
- Jannik Buchelo: Bachelor thesis (summer term 2015)
- Simon Stelter: Bachelor thesis (summer term 2015)
[1] | Jan Winkler, Georg Bartels, Lorenz Mösenlechner and Michael Beetz, "Knowledge Enabled High-Level Task Abstraction and Execution", In First Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems, vol. 2, no. 1, Palo Alto, CA, pp. 131–148, 2012. |
[2] | Gajewski, Pawel, Ferreira, Paulo, Bartels, Georg, Wang, Chaozheng, Guerin, Frank, Indurkhya, Bipin, Beetz, Michael and Sniezynski, Bartlomiej, "Adapting Everyday Manipulation Skills to Varied Scenarios", In arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.02743, 2018. |
[3] | Stelter, Simon, Bartels, Georg, and Beetz, Michael, "Multidimensional Time Series Shapelets Reliably Detect and Classify Contact Events in Force Measurements of Wiping Actions", In Robotics and Automation Letters, IEEE, 2018. (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. |
[4] | Bartels, Georg, and Beetz, Michael, "From Research to Market: Building the Perception Systems for the Next Generation of Industrial Robots – Interview with Dr. Michael Suppa, CEO and Founder of the Startup Roboception.", In KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2019. |
[5] | Bartels, Georg, and Beetz, Michael, "Perception-guided Mobile Manipulation Robots for Automation of Warehouse Logistics – Interview with Dr. Moritz Tenorth, CTO of the Startup Magazino", In KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2019. |
[6] | Bartels, Georg, Beßler, Daniel and Beetz, Michael, "Episodic Memories for Safety-Aware Robots – Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for Robots that Safely Interact with Human Co-Workers", In KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2019. |
[7] | Leidner, Daniel, Bartels, Georg, Bejjani, Wissam, Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Beetz, Michael, "Cognition-enabled Robotic Wiping: Representation, Planning, Execution, and Interpretation", In Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Elsevier, vol. 114, pp. 199–216, 2019. |
[8] | Costanzo, Marco, Stelter, Simon, Natale, Ciro, Pirozzi, Salvatore, Bartels, Georg, Maldonado, Alexis and Beetz, Michael, "Manipulation Planning and Control for Shelf Replenishment", In IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, IEEE, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 1595–1601, 2020. |
[9] | Georg Bartels, Ingo Kresse and Michael Beetz, "Constraint-based Movement Representation grounded in Geometric Features", In Proceedings of the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2013. |
[10] | Moritz Tenorth, Georg Bartels and Michael Beetz, "Knowledge-based Specification of Robot Motions", In Proc. of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2014. |
[11] | Michael Beetz, Georg Bartels, Alin Albu-Schäffer, Ferenc Bálint-Benczédi, Rico Belder, Daniel Beßler, Sami Haddadin, Alexis Maldonado, Nico Mansfeld, Thiemo Wiedemeyer, Roman Weitschat and Jan-Hendrik Worch, "Robotic Agents Capable of Natural and Safe Physical Interaction with Human Co-workers", In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Hamburg, Germany, 2015. |
[12] | Michael Beetz, Daniel Beßler, Jan Winkler, Jan-H. Worch, Ferenc Balint-Benczedi, Georg Bartels, Aude Billard, Asil K. Bozcuoglu, Zhou Fang, Nadia Figueroa, Andrei Haidu, Hagen Langer, Alexis Maldonado, Ana-Lucia Pais, Moritz. Tenorth and Thiemo Wiedemeyer, "Open Robotics Research Using Web-based Knowledge Services", In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Stockholm, Sweden, 2016. |
[13] | Zhou Fang, Georg Bartels and Michael Beetz, "Learning Models for Constraint-Based Motion Parameterization from Interactive Physics-based Simulation", In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Daejeon, South Korea, 2016. |
[14] | Stelter, Simon, Bartels, Georg, and Beetz, Michael, "Multidimensional Time Series Shapelets Reliably Detect and Classify Contact Events in Force Measurements of Wiping Actions", In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vancouver, Canada, 2017. Finalist for the Best Cognitive Robotics Paper Award. |
[15] | Michael Beetz, Daniel Beßler, Andrei Haidu, Mihai Pomarlan, Asil Kaan Bozcuoglu and Georg Bartels, "KnowRob 2.0 – A 2nd Generation Knowledge Processing Framework for Cognition-enabled Robotic Agents", In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Brisbane, Australia, 2018. |
[16] | Pawel Gajewski, Paulo Ferreira, Georg Bartels, Chaozheng Wang, Frank Guerin, Bipin Indurkhya, Michael Beetz and Bartlomiej Sniezynski, "Adapting Everyday Manipulation Skills to Varied Scenarios", In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Montreal, Canada, 2019. |
[17] | Georg Bartels, Daniel Beßler, Michael Beetz, Moritz Tenorth and Jan Winkler, "How to Use OpenEASE: An Online Knowledge Processing System for Robots and Robotics Researchers", In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Istanbul, Turkey, 2015. |
Prof. Dr. hc. Michael Beetz PhD
Head of Institute
Contact via
Andrea Cowley
assistant to Prof. Beetz
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